Day 25. Rabanal del Camino – Ponferrada. Man now that was a walk…

Beautiful day lay ahead. The first 2 hours would lead us up the mountain to the highest point on the Camino – the closest to God. The Cruz de Ferro awaits with many pilgrims leaving tributes to loved ones, leaving emotions and other things.

i left 2 stones for lost friends from home. One for Lucy Sedgwick and the other for Jason Bennett. Go with God friends. It is a solemn place. Many tears as well as joyfulness. I also left something of mine there as well. Something I have wanted to lose for as long as I can remember. Goodbye old baggage…….

It is a pilgrimage to just get to here for most.


Then you walk down this path through a couple of towns over about 13km on this biabolical stuff. Shale loose rocks and utter concentration needed.


Damn hard work. We are shattered and having a day off in Ponferrada before we tackle the final week.

pretty job by Kate considering this was probably the hardest day on the tour so far and it’s her 4th day…. Well done darling.




  1. Amazing, you guys. Loving the stories, Andy. And the pix. Some stunning scenery and beautiful old buildings, and selfies!! Must be fantastic to share these last couple of weeks of your journey with Kate. XX

  2. The Cruz de Ferro is the part of the Camino that I am looking forward reaching the most. Until I do, I’ll share your moment. So 3,206 miles away, today I’ll pause for Lucy & for Jason and then celebrate your “release” with a glass of wine.

  3. Did you leave that golf ball which should have helped you win the ASM in Coffs Harbour in 2008? You had it in the bag :). Keep up the walk mate and enjoy the journey

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