Day 16 Fromista – Carrion de Los Condes. Rest your body

I decided to make sure that I looked after my knee, my blister on my left foot and my now sore muscle on the front of my right ankle. Sounds worse than it is but after walking 400km you kinda go, well maybe I need to move into management mode. Slow down a bit. There’s still 400 to go. Argh!

The forecast said it would rain this morning. There were 2 guys last night who had decided to finish now and go home. Both injured. So if I want to make to the end then I really have to look after myself.

It cleared at about 9 am, but i still resisted the urge to go out. Instead I saw the local Pharmacist and listen his experience on Peregrines like me with the same ailments as me. He is slightly like a modern day witch doctor. He creates his own concoctions and dispenses them as required. So between churches, St Michel and the other more ornate one down the road….I got a new knee brace, some seriously good anti inflammatory cream and some other paste for itches, skin issues and anything else which will last me a year he assures me.

Here are some photos for he Romanesque church (icons are for you Gill) which was very sparse and functional.


got into Carrion and straight to the Monestary. What a treat, 50€ and it is a 4 star hotel. They open the Monestry up later in the afternoon. Glorious. The wifi has been playing up but I will post the photos when I can – sorry.



I had dinner again the Arnaldo and Mike from Canada. Good fun. They plan to finish on the 3rd, and we on the 4th.




  1. Love the witch doctor remedies! I once had some ointment for a sore back on the third leg of the three peaks challenge…….whilst im sure i hallucinated at 1 point, my back felt much better!

    Loving the blog. Hope the knee feels better soon.


  2. Andrew you have managed to get 1 day ahead of us. We’re in Fromista. Sounds like you are being sensible with looking after the body. How 2 that day of rain – that was tough.

  3. Hey mate,
    Finally on board with your adventure…..
    thought i would Kick in now with a few words of Encouragement….
    Harden up mate only 400 to go!

    That should spur you on for a k or 2!
    More motivational pearls as We travel the journey with you…. Keep it up.
    Can you tell me why every word starts with a capital on this blog? Don’t answer keep just walking 😉

  4. Andy, I’m thinking we start a biotech company with the witch doctor’s unique concoctions with a view to an ipo – just a thought

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